Dog Around Town

Dog Around Town
Click on my Image for interesting short history of Dalkey Village, my home town!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dalkey Dog Decides to Donate to a Disabled Artists Cause

Philip Shipman- "Roman Courtyard"
Hi there again!!  The other day I was wandering down Castle  St., Dalkey's mainstreet, when I spied some goings on outside 'Our Ladys Hall'..This runs itself a little like a voluntary  community centre..It is a vital hub of support, especially for the elderly members of our town, such as The Dalkey Community  Council, the Dalkey Ladies Club, The Dalkey Tidy Towns,  the DARA, or Dalkey Active  Retirement Association who run all kinds of activities to keep things social, and also functions as a drop in centre for anyone who needs to drop in for a chat or to have a question answered. There are Coffee mornings, and flower arranging classes, art and craft and music at times.. but today it was an Art Exhibition..I was a little tired, and a bit fed up after the crowds at the fair, so I asked my assistant to go in on her own to sus out what was happening and take afew photos. 

It turned out it was a charity auction to raise money for a Dublin lady artist, who had recently been attacked and had had 3 fingers cut off her hand... Oh my, was I mad when I heard that.... Grrr  I wanted to sniff him out and give him a piece of my mind... but I didn't.  Instead I instructed my assistant to buy two tickets, one for me, and one for her.  We hope the auction helps..  the  raffle trickets were for a very nice painting. 

I was not feeling very photogenic at the time, so I am only going to post and share some of the wonderful paintings  that were on offer, all I  can  say  is that we certainly  have  alot of talented people living near and around this  area...

Our Ladys Hall 2011

 Now here is a lovely scene that reminds me of Italy.. so warm, like sunshine....

by Phillip Shipman- "Rio Marin Venice"
 These were beautiful too.. the sea and it's colours, swirling about the stone cliff...

by Nuala Cronin-"Clochar Clave"

 I think this must be a second sunkist picture from Philip Shipman.. I would like to sit on those steps!!

Philip Shipman- "Roman Courtyard"
 And this one... I could just looose myself in it... it speaks to mysts and imagination in grey-blue tones...

Carmel O'Conner- "Morning Fog"
 Oh, .. why there is a familiar sight.. Dalkey Island.. and wonderfully painted too.. the fishing boat with the gulls all flying around it... the choppy blue water and the light reflecting off the sea.. the promise of showers hidden in the darker grey of the clouds... and the warm rocks basking in the sun on the shore... it's magic!!

Gerry Lowry- "Dalkey Island"

 Yup... no doubt about it... It was well worth visiting this community art exhibition, and I must say I was impressed.

I have to say I think this is a most worthwhile and wonderful caring place, and rare in societies today.  We are a lucky town to have it.  Next time I might even let my assistant take a photograph of me in front... that is if  I can convince some of the nice ladies that work there to give me a few biscuits.... What do you think?  Will they? I hope so!!!

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