Dog Around Town

Dog Around Town
Click on my Image for interesting short history of Dalkey Village, my home town!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Due to some technical difficulties experienced by my assistant, I was unable to report much during this month, however we hope these will be rectified soon... I just wanted to say that our Christmas tree smells lovely and I hope that yours does too... Merry Christmas to all Dalkey folks and hope to see you soon around town... Woof!! Woof!! ;-D

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dalkey Dog Discovers some New Business

Dalkey Business Group

Well, sniffing around this afternoon, I discovered some interesting news, it seems that unlike some towns around this country, Dalkey is holding it's own business wise.  One of the reasons for this has been the formation of the Dalkey Business Group, which has taken on task a commitment to help and look out for the businesses and those involved in them.  This is just so cool... it is run by local business people and traders and is just a shinning example of how communities could/can help keep their neighborhoods alive during bad economic times.... I just LOVE DALKEY

By holding it's own, I mean, I discovered that, unlike some areas that are losing their businesses to the economic crisis... this little village, actually has NEW businesses starting up.. and some of them are really going strong... I was looking into this, and decided I would take my assistant up the town and get the scoop on a sample of these...

Charity Begins at Home

Hmm that dumpster smells interesting... oh bother.. that van is in the way... oh look!!  there is that Childrens Charity Shop that appeared recently.... let's go have a look.. come on assistant, stop chatting with people, we have a job to do!!!  Why, I think this place is called Charity Begins at Home.. hmm, from what I gather about it, it is an Irish Charity, and this is just one of several of it's shops. It  targets the wishes of specific disabled/disadvantaged children and then raises money for that specific need, by getting folk to donate unwanted items to sell for that specific purpose.. or so I understand... hmm sounds like a neat thing... The particular person they are raising funds for at present is a young local girl called Niamh... there is a website for her too..and Niamh's Wish to Walk. he is looking to have an expensive operation on her legs so she can walk again... poor Niamh.. I love kids.. maybe someday I will get to meet her...

Oh dear there is a bear in here.. can I come in Mr. Bear?? what? the nice volunteering teenager says I can if I am good?  Well, then I guess we will...

Look at all these neat things... toys, shoes books.....

And the prices are right too!!  one could pick up alot of inexpensive stuff here for Christmas.. hey.. at that price 5 items for 10 Euro.. I could buy alot of t-shirts... teehee.. they are looking for volunteers and items for sale.. so if you have some stuff to give, or time on yours hands, it might be a plan.. sadly.. dogs are not allowed bother.. I tried to donate some dog hair, but they politely said no... maybe they had too much already... anyways, I do want to say that the young volunteer I spoke to was most pleasant... and I do hope it helps Niamh get better and walking again.  Wait.. what's that smell..??  it is delectable and scrumptious..and.. oh so fishy!!! Quick.. let's go... and stop hanging back...

Roberts of Dalkey

MMM... yum... yah.. oh what a lovely fishy smell... and what's this?  No  video shop??  Well, this looks much more promising.... look at all the people having a look around.. Peter Roberts, of Roberts of Dalkey, came out and explained that due to those pesky health and safety rules I was not allowed in, but he would give me a bit of info here on the corner anyways.. He told me that this shop was the fulfilment of a dream and also hard work... Peter, although a local resident to Dalkey, spent 4 years learning the fishy trade and flaying fish in Howth, before this corner shop opportunity became available.. and he has snapped it up... and taken the chance... hmmmm I do so hope he does well and stays.... for me,  this is one heavenly smell to have on our high street, and he is a young man that certainly deserves a chance to succeed..You can also find him on Twitter at @RobertsofDalkey.

Here is the immaculate fish and meat counter...

Beautiful mussels or are they Oysters??  I'm a dog, so I am not sure but they sure look yummy.....

He sells many other wonderful products that can compliment a fishy or other meal....

And to balance it all out... you can add your vegetables in store too!!!

Afters???  Yup... some   sweeties for afters as well... yummmmm....

Now, this guy has been telling me all about the yummy fresh salmon next to him......

Hey,  don't stare at me that way!! Fresh fish every  day.. look at the depth of orange in that salmon..

And these golden guys..... they are just... well almost magical.. amazingly cool....

And these lovely cookery folk.. giving out samples and making the most amazingly wonderful smells.... yum.... and smiles too...

Needless to say, I really like Roberts of Dalkey, not only cause his windows are just magic.. and at a level to let dogs look in and have a view at what's going on, but he is a young man, with a dream and a business spirit, and I do hope he has some success...Ok... now... I my nose seems to detect something  sweet going on... hmmm wonder what that could be... must investigate... ..

Now... on the corner of Ulverton Road and Castle st. one finds a scrumptious sweetie shop.. it is magical in that it hold with the old time traditions of shelves and shelves of sweets in large jars.. a happy,.. idealistic place... but unassuming as well..

This is what it looks like from outside... La Bonne Creme has a Facebook page, and an email

Here I am inside.... see the cool shelves behind me???  let's take a closer look at what is on offer...

Oh ya.... I could put a paw or nose in  those... I'm sure any kid at heart could too... they also have some yummy Italian ice cream, and smoothies on offer too..what a treat....

The nice lady from Brazil, who was working there also thought these might be scrumptious as well...

Lots of happy kids with lollys!!!! oh dear.... I think my assistant is moving again... these winter evenings are short and light is scarce so we must hurry on to the last shop we wanted to cover... Just to get us in the mood for Christmas....

The Tramyard Gift Shop

 Oh, Ya.... I love Christmas.... always look forward to the left over candy cane bits and mince pie crumbs.. !!!  This is a tree I found in the Tramyard Gift Shop.  It's a bit late now, but you can see a picture of the shop below... I'm really excited as the Tramyard itself will be having a big Tramyard Christmas party on Dec. 2nd, and Santa is coming too.... in a Tram!!!

The Tramyard Cafe and Gift Shop

This is the sign, and doesn't it look old world Christmassy with the iron railing on top and that beautiful street lamp outside... kinda like Narnia...  anyhow, the Tramyard Website is not quite ready yet, but Dave and Evelyn would be happy to answer any questions, or orders on this email address for the time being..  

Oh....  see the soft lights inside??? hmmmm I have to go investigate again.. come on assistant get the camera ready.... this is going to be good...

Now, let's see what is on offer around this tree....

Why it is a giant Teddy bear!!!  TeeHee... did you know I have one of these in my own bed??? So soft and warm and cuddly.... many kids would love one...

Look at this bird house all painted up, and the twinkly lights as well... and the holly berries... lucky birds... I wish someone would paint up my doghouse like that for Christmas!!!

Cool Cloth Santas!!!

Hey, how about me under the tree!!!  Bother... no bits of candy cane on the floor here... I'm getting hungry now and it is late so I will say thank you to the nice young lady who let me come in and do my story on this shop...If you are reading this, You should really come and have a look around... I certainly feel like it's Christmas in here..... This is also part of the Tramyard Cafe, and don't forget that the Tramyard Christmas Party will be on Dec. 2nd... That would be a great day/evening out for all the family, and you could pick up a few things in here... anyhow,  let's head for home... It's really getting dark out there.

I just LOVE DALKEY!!!!! People are the friendliest ever here.... and they like dogs.... Teehee... I'm gonna wiggle and wag all over for this kind gentleman... do you think he has a biscuit in his bag??

Ok assistant lets hurry, I am starving now, and it is defo to late to be out and about for me now... I can almost taste/smell my chicken flavoured dog pellets calling me home....  I promise to write a bit more about what's happening in the rest of the Tram yard complex next.... and now.... home to dinner and my Teddy Bear Bed..

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dalkey Dog Decides to Donate to a Disabled Artists Cause

Philip Shipman- "Roman Courtyard"
Hi there again!!  The other day I was wandering down Castle  St., Dalkey's mainstreet, when I spied some goings on outside 'Our Ladys Hall'..This runs itself a little like a voluntary  community centre..It is a vital hub of support, especially for the elderly members of our town, such as The Dalkey Community  Council, the Dalkey Ladies Club, The Dalkey Tidy Towns,  the DARA, or Dalkey Active  Retirement Association who run all kinds of activities to keep things social, and also functions as a drop in centre for anyone who needs to drop in for a chat or to have a question answered. There are Coffee mornings, and flower arranging classes, art and craft and music at times.. but today it was an Art Exhibition..I was a little tired, and a bit fed up after the crowds at the fair, so I asked my assistant to go in on her own to sus out what was happening and take afew photos. 

It turned out it was a charity auction to raise money for a Dublin lady artist, who had recently been attacked and had had 3 fingers cut off her hand... Oh my, was I mad when I heard that.... Grrr  I wanted to sniff him out and give him a piece of my mind... but I didn't.  Instead I instructed my assistant to buy two tickets, one for me, and one for her.  We hope the auction helps..  the  raffle trickets were for a very nice painting. 

I was not feeling very photogenic at the time, so I am only going to post and share some of the wonderful paintings  that were on offer, all I  can  say  is that we certainly  have  alot of talented people living near and around this  area...

Our Ladys Hall 2011

 Now here is a lovely scene that reminds me of Italy.. so warm, like sunshine....

by Phillip Shipman- "Rio Marin Venice"
 These were beautiful too.. the sea and it's colours, swirling about the stone cliff...

by Nuala Cronin-"Clochar Clave"

 I think this must be a second sunkist picture from Philip Shipman.. I would like to sit on those steps!!

Philip Shipman- "Roman Courtyard"
 And this one... I could just looose myself in it... it speaks to mysts and imagination in grey-blue tones...

Carmel O'Conner- "Morning Fog"
 Oh, .. why there is a familiar sight.. Dalkey Island.. and wonderfully painted too.. the fishing boat with the gulls all flying around it... the choppy blue water and the light reflecting off the sea.. the promise of showers hidden in the darker grey of the clouds... and the warm rocks basking in the sun on the shore... it's magic!!

Gerry Lowry- "Dalkey Island"

 Yup... no doubt about it... It was well worth visiting this community art exhibition, and I must say I was impressed.

I have to say I think this is a most worthwhile and wonderful caring place, and rare in societies today.  We are a lucky town to have it.  Next time I might even let my assistant take a photograph of me in front... that is if  I can convince some of the nice ladies that work there to give me a few biscuits.... What do you think?  Will they? I hope so!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dalkey Dog Discourse with Market Artists

Hurrya!!! Well, everyone here in Dalkey is so excited about the goings on in the Winter Market, I just had to have another go at seeing what was happening....I have told my assistant to get some good pictures of what is on offer. Many of the Local Artisans here are members of the Craft Council of Ireland and /or other local groups such as the Dun Laoghaire Jewellery Designers.  I can't wait to see if I can get to talk to some of the local artisans, I bet they have some interesting things to tell us about how they came to work at what they do... 

Here we are.. Boy, does it ever look like a good crowd over there.. maybe I can sneak in  with them...???

Now if I just creep along the wall, maybe no one will notice...hmm there are so many folk in there... It does smell like cloves and cinnamon... Hmm lots of Christmas shopping being done I bet!... I think I need a plan...I know!  I'll choose a sample of five artisans and try to interview them.  Their stories will be great to read, and will help to show how creativity, innovation and ingenuity is still alive and kicking in Ireland, and Dalkey!!! now lets see...

Jack B. Kearney-Designer and Wood turner

Ahhh,,,, I'm in... now this looks like a cozy place, just look at the lovely soft glow  from those lamps.... ok assistant, lets move in a little closer and get the scoop on this one....and make sure to get some good shots! 

Jack is local to the surrounding area, and told me that he started making these several years ago as a hobby. They are a wonderful example of beautiful but practical pieces of art. He makes them in a shed which is where he works when inspired.  He creates these unique handcrafted lamps using a combination of glass, hardwood and seashells from Ireland and beyond.  They are loosely themed on Irish lighthouses, sea buoys and sea beacons.   Every single one is as unique as the seashells used in their creation.  Jack also told me that he would  be happy to accept commissions and that his lamps are wired to conform with CE important  safety point!!  My nose can smell the shells and the many seas they came from..

Jack also makes a few other items such as these beautiful wooden pens.  To find out what else he can turn his hand to you can visit his website by clicking here, or on his name  above.  Thanks Jack B. Kearney! He also gave me his email address..  

Ok, assistant, gather the camera equipment, we better move on!!!   I think we'll go by that colourful stand over there, I think it is called "Little Miss Molly".

Valerie Reid- Hand Painted Designs

Val, of Little Miss Molly, is a local Dalkey artist/craftswoman, that  has lived in the village a long time. She hand paints beautiful designs on  sturdy wooden/babychildrens stools, which are great pressies for the birth of a baby or Christianing, they are dated with the child's name..  Oh, and look, there   are some of her  Fantastically colourful flower pots and other items. 

I have asked my assistant to take a few photographs of some of  them.. so neat!..  I am sure some  of the children around my neighborhood would love them...

Just imagine how these would brighten up any garden or indeed interior plant display..The mirror and the tea tray in the background would also be wonderful to grace a wall or serve some guests!!  Magic!!  

Valerie also has told me she does custom work and can be reached by email at  You can also see what else may be on offer by clicking on  Little Miss Molly here, to see Val's Website.  Thanks for letting us stop by and photograph your work Val Reid!!  Hang on there, Do I see some bowls over there?

David Kelly- "Boul"- Woodturner

 David is a local artist who uses local wood to produce the most beautiful wooden bowls... the wood grain in each one makes every piece unique...David has been making these for several years now in his spare time, as he also works in another film industry.  

Now bowls are something I can understand...Ruuuuf...look at this one!!  I wonder what kind of sweet music I could play while lapping up some water out of this one??  Sadly, I don't think that my pesky assistant would allow me to have it for that purpose...I never get the nice looking things....bother.... oh oh... look at this one below......

Can you just see what a gorgeous piece of  work this is!! Look at the thickness and clean, smooth lines of the rim.... the beautiful definition between the wood tones of light and dark...and the clever way of handling the natural cracks in the wood by adding a 'touch of  lace' ...looking at it brings a kind of joy to my soul...  if I had to suggest one of these pieces as the one to buy and display somewhere this would be it...sadly though, it would not hold any water!!! teehee...

David does not have his own website yet per say, but he is registered with, and listed on the Craft Council of Ireland's website, you can go there to see many artists that work here in this magical country.  You could also reach him at this email... if you'd like.  Maybe one day David will let me meet his partner in art... another trusty, arty Labrador... I don't know why these people don't understand that choosing wood, and softening it nicely with an occasional chew now and then, might not add a bit of 'uniqueness to the pieces...hrrumph.. Thank you Dave for letting me have a sniff around your stall and for taking these lovely photographs.. if your owned by a Labrador, your ok with me!!  Hey, wait up assistant.. What's that?... the sparkly?... ohhhh.. how beautiful....magical... christmasy.... let's get a closer look at this:

Agnes Preece- Stained Glass Lamps
Look at all these designs.. and how wonderfully the light shines through these metal and colourful Stained Glass lamps!!! Agnes was not here to speak to us, but her niece told us that Agnes had begun making these as a hobby, and then friends and relations wanted some and then eventually folk began flocking to her door with orders for more... Now she is a fully fledged Stained Glass Artisan... who also makes glass ornaments to hang around the place. Two of my  can be seen below...

Being a Dog, I love trees.... and especially Christmas trees, as they smell so piney.... this is the twinkly angel that first caught our eye...I'll give it a push with my nose....See how it moves and glitters in the light.. It's almost magical...just imagine it twinkling in  the Christmas lights on a tree... Ahhh....

This one is the most beautiful shad of blue... like the sky.... I can only imagine the beautiful wrought iron whit dove there, just taking off and soaring up through it ... see how the cleverly coloured spots lead a persons vision around the circle to the star?  Circles are sacred in many cultures, and a symbol of unity and peace for many... Thankyou Agnes and your niece.. (so sorry not to have caught your name!).  However if you click on Agnes Preece here, you will see her website, or if you are in a rush for a piece, perhaps you might email her at  Bye!.... What's that? You have not had your fill of glass?  Ok, well now here is a different use for it:

Ruizca Ruane- Cadenza Glass Beads

Wow Bow wow.... these are amazing.... Ruizca tells me she is originally from Croatia, and although she lived in Germany many years, she now lives locally and apart from teaching German, follows her true passion which is hand blown glass bead making in the Venetian tradition.  She certainly has a talent.  I wonder what a dog collar made of these would cost?  hmm may not be the best idea, for a girl like me.. teehee... but for many others. what a lovely Christmas present these would be... Ruizca has taken master classes in the craft all over the world... and she tells me that she also gives workshops.  Now wouldn't this be an interesting and unusual thing to learn how to do?... let's have a little look at what they are made of...

These some of the glass rods that she works with they come in many colours.  She says that once you see the molten glass running, it is so exquisitely beautiful, that you can't but help to be hooked on the discipline.. I am truly honored to have met such a fine artisan, and really hope she invites me to sniff around her workshop one day... I would love to see her in action!!  The molten glass is turned into all of these warm and colourful beads with every single one being a unique piece of art in themselves.  Some of these are strung into highly unusual and unique necklaces that would grace the neck of any woman... (or Labrador? please?  No?  oh bother!... ))

Here are a few of the individual samples... see the sea shells?

Here is another necklace.. I wonder how many red glass rods it took to make this one... what a nice piece! I would like to thank Ruizca.  She says if you would like to find out more about her work, and her workshops you can go to Canenza's website, by clicking here, or you could contact her on her email  Phew, I'm getting a bit tired here... however we have one more Artisan to cover...

Marcella Kirwan- Naked Heart Design- My Guardian Angels

 Boy it does seem to be a year for angels and with our economy, we need all the guardian angels we can get!!..I'd like someone to buy one of these and attach it to my collar!!  They are just so neat!!  Marcella tells me that the idea for these came on a cold winters day last year when she was snowed in with her young daughter... they rummaged around for bits and scraps and came up with these little gems... angels made from cloths pins and all recycled material...and because of this no two are the same.. First her daughter liked them, than friends and relations wanted them, and then before she knew it, people were ordering them.. the birth of a real cottage industry...


Some of the angels have faces and some do not... children may wish to draw their own.. They can be hung anywhere, on a wall as you can see, or in a car, to keep safe... Many folk, though use them as Christmas ornaments hanging from a tree...  

Marcella is a great believer in recycling materials, not only scraps around the house but natural driftwood too.. and although there is not a good picture here of her work in that medium, I can tell you that her driftwood angel relief I saw framed on her stand was stunning... perhaps something for Mom... Marcella's work can be seen on her website Naked Heart Design, or she can also be reached by email

I hope you enjoyed exploring the Dalkey Winter Market 2011 with me today, It certainly gave me faith in our little town... So many enterprising and innovative people.  I hope it makes you think that it might be one to look out for next year..if I see you there I might even say Ruff to you.. Don't forget that the Dalky Tramyard has a Market every Saturday as well, you can look at the post previous to this one for some info on that... I plan to have another sniff around there in the near future.. They are having a party on Dec 2nd... Yay... I wonder will I be invited?
 Weel,  that's it folks, it's been a long day, and I'm hungry!! I'll say goodbye to you Marcela, say hellow to your dog for me!!  I think we're having Sausages tonite folks from Hicks in Dalkey... so get a move on assistant... or they will all be gone  before I get home....